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Why Haiti

The Bither’s were introduced to Iliobert Berson through a mutual friend when he was visiting the U.S. to improve his English. A quick friendship developed as Harold & Natalie visited Iliobert in his hometown of Bohoc. Their friendship and mutual respect for each other began over twenty-five years ago. This bond is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and direction for Haiti Endowment’s ministry in the Central Plateau region of Haiti. Pastor Iliobert and Marie have faithfully partnered with Haiti Endowment Fund for over twenty years. Iliobert serves as the Senior Pastor of Maranatha Church in Hinche, and along with Marie they oversee sixteen bush churches and twelve schools. We thank God for the vision and love He has given them.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Lack of leadership, government corruption, and deforestation have held this nation at the brink of starvation for many years. The country of Haiti has an estimated unemployment rate of ninety-percent and an estimated illiteracy rate of over fifty-percent. Over eighty-percent of Haiti’s population live in abject poverty.

Greater Hinche has a population of approximately 100,000 people. This population is densely crowded into a small area along the Guayamouc River. The muddy river is highly contaminated and used for bathing, drinking, and laundry. This area has no clean public water or electricity. Infant mortality rates are very high, and public health conditions are horrendous.

After seeing these circumstances first hand, Harold and Natalie Bither were called to minister to the people of Haiti. With a vision for reaching and helping the lost people of Central Haiti, they started the Haiti Endowment Fund over twenty-five years ago. Their mission has been to bring God’s Word to the lost through training Christian Haitian pastors. Also, to improve their lives with churches, schools, clean water wells, agriculture projects and medical assistance.

For over twenty-five years the Haiti Endowment Fund has touched the needs of thousands of these people, many on a daily basis. Most of this work and the supplies have been donated from the U.S. HEF has no paid U.S. staff. It is all volunteer labor.

Why Haiti: Welcome


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(951) 501-9822


P.O. Box 743
Temecula, CA 92593

©2020 by Haiti Endowment Fund

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