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Our Christian sponsored schools in Hinche and the surrounding remote villages have been very successful and a blessing to the students in the Central Plateau. Before we started this ministry there were very few schools available to the thousands of children living in the villages surrounding Hinche. Haiti Endowment is happy to report that we now have thirteen thriving sponsored schools, with over 3,000 students attending five days per week. More new students are added on a regular basis.

This program has flourished under the wonderful direction of Marie Berson. She oversees the entire school network and teacher training. Classes are provided for children from 1st thru 12th grades. The students learn the basic reading, writing and math. In addition, they are taught a Christian perspective of history and God’s redemptive plan. Each school year runs for nine months, five days a week. Over 3,000 school students receive a daily hot meal, that is over 50,000 hot meals per month provided.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~ Romans 12:2

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(951) 501-9822


P.O. Box 743
Temecula, CA 92593

©2020 by Haiti Endowment Fund

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